Load data
## Load survival package
## List datasets in survival package
data(package = "survival")
## Load lung data
## Show first 6 rows
inst time status age sex ph.ecog ph.karno pat.karno wt.loss
1 3 306 2 74 1 1 90 100 1175 NA
2 3 455 2 68 1 0 90 90 1225 15
3 3 1010 1 56 1 0 90 90 NA 15
4 5 210 2 57 1 1 90 60 1150 11
5 1 883 2 60 1 0 100 90 NA 0
6 12 1022 1 74 1 1 50 80 513 0
Coding (from help file)
NCCTG Lung Cancer Data
Survival in patients with advanced lung cancer from the North
Central Cancer Treatment Group. Performance scores rate how well
the patient can perform usual daily activities.
inst: Institution code
time: Survival time in days
status: censoring status 1=censored, 2=dead
age: Age in years
sex: Male=1 Female=2
ph.ecog: ECOG performance score (0=good 5=dead)
ph.karno: Karnofsky performance score (bad=0-good=100) rated by physician
pat.karno: Karnofsky performance score as rated by patient Calories consumed at meals
wt.loss: Weight loss in last six months
Create a survival object
## Add survival object. status == 2 is death
lung$SurvObj <- with(lung, Surv(time, status == 2))
## Check data
inst time status age sex ph.ecog ph.karno pat.karno wt.loss SurvObj
1 3 306 2 74 1 1 90 100 1175 NA 306
2 3 455 2 68 1 0 90 90 1225 15 455
3 3 1010 1 56 1 0 90 90 NA 15 1010+
4 5 210 2 57 1 1 90 60 1150 11 210
5 1 883 2 60 1 0 100 90 NA 0 883
6 12 1022 1 74 1 1 50 80 513 0 1022+
Kaplan-Meier estimator without grouping
## Kaplan-Meier estimator. The "log-log" confidence interval is preferred. <- survfit(SurvObj ~ 1, data = lung, conf.type = "log-log") <- survfit(SurvObj ~ sex, data = lung, conf.type = "log-log")
## Show object
Call: survfit(formula = SurvObj ~ 1, data = lung, conf.type = "log-log")
records n.max n.start events median 0.95LCL 0.95UCL
228 228 228 165 310 284 361
Call: survfit(formula = SurvObj ~ sex, data = lung, conf.type = "log-log")
records n.max n.start events median 0.95LCL 0.95UCL
sex=1 138 138 138 112 270 210 306
sex=2 90 90 90 53 426 345 524
## See survival estimates at given time (lots of outputs)
## summary(
## summary(
## Plotting without any specification
## Without
plot(, conf = F, mark.time = F)
plot(, conf = F, mark.time = F)
Cox regression using coxph
## Fit Cox regression: age, sex, Karnofsky performance score, wt loss
res.cox1 <- coxph(SurvObj ~ age + sex + ph.karno + wt.loss, data = lung)
coxph(formula = SurvObj ~ age + sex + ph.karno + wt.loss, data = lung)
coef exp(coef) se(coef) z p
age 0.01514 1.015 0.00984 1.539 0.1200
sex -0.51396 0.598 0.17441 -2.947 0.0032
ph.karno -0.01287 0.987 0.00618 -2.081 0.0370
wt.loss -0.00225 0.998 0.00636 -0.353 0.7200
Likelihood ratio test=18.8 on 4 df, p=0.000844 n= 214, number of events= 152
(14 observations deleted due to missingness)
## Check for violation of proportional hazard (constant HR over time)
(res.zph1 <- cox.zph(res.cox1))
rho chisq p
age -0.00837 0.0117 0.91381
sex 0.13137 2.5579 0.10975
ph.karno 0.23963 8.2624 0.00405
wt.loss 0.05930 0.5563 0.45575
GLOBAL NA 12.0669 0.01686
## Displays a graph of the scaled Schoenfeld residuals, along with a smooth curve.
## residuals(res.cox1, type = "scaledsch")
## c("martingale", "deviance", "score", "schoenfeld", "dfbeta", "dfbetas", "scaledsch","partial")
## Check Karnofsky performance score (only 6 discrete values)
50 60 70 80 90 100
6 19 32 67 74 29
## Solution 1: Stratify
res.cox1.strata <- coxph(SurvObj ~ age + sex + strata(ph.karno) + wt.loss, data = lung)
rho chisq p
age 0.0320 0.168 0.682
sex 0.1264 2.261 0.133
wt.loss 0.0469 0.346 0.557
GLOBAL NA 2.619 0.454
coxph(formula = SurvObj ~ age + sex + strata(ph.karno) + wt.loss,
data = lung)
n= 214, number of events= 152
(14 observations deleted due to missingness)
coef exp(coef) se(coef) z Pr(>|z|)
age 0.01825 1.01842 0.01002 1.82 0.06854 .
sex -0.60333 0.54699 0.18037 -3.34 0.00082 ***
wt.loss -0.00536 0.99465 0.00669 -0.80 0.42288
Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
exp(coef) exp(-coef) lower .95 upper .95
age 1.018 0.982 0.999 1.039
sex 0.547 1.828 0.384 0.779
wt.loss 0.995 1.005 0.982 1.008
Concordance= 0.615 (se = 0.057 )
Rsquare= 0.069 (max possible= 0.983 )
Likelihood ratio test= 15.4 on 3 df, p=0.00152
Wald test = 14.6 on 3 df, p=0.00221
Score (logrank) test = 14.9 on 3 df, p=0.00187
## Solution 2: Time-varying effect
## Event status variable necessary
lung$event <- (lung$status == 2)
## Erase the survival object (Leaving it in data frames breaks the conversion)
lung2$SurvObj <- NULL
Error: object 'lung2' not found
## Counting process format creation
lung.split <- survSplit(data = lung,
cut = c(200,400), # vector of timepoints to cut at
end = "time", # character string with name of event time variable
event = "event", # character string with name of censoring indicator
start = "start", # character string with name of start time variable (created)
id = "id", # character string with name of new id variable to create
zero = 0, # If start doesn't already exist, used as start
episode = NULL # character string with name of new episode variable (optional)
## Make id numeric
lung.split$id <- as.numeric(lung.split$id)
## Reorder by id, then start time
lung.split <- orderBy( ~ id + start, lung.split)
## Recreate SurbObj
lung.split$SurvObj <- with(lung.split, Surv(time = (start), time2 = time, event = event))
## Check
head(lung.split, 10)
inst time status age sex ph.ecog ph.karno pat.karno wt.loss SurvObj event start id
1 3 200 2 74 1 1 90 100 1175 NA ( 0,200+] 0 0 1
685 3 200 2 74 1 1 90 100 1175 NA ( 0,200+] 0 0 1
229 3 306 2 74 1 1 90 100 1175 NA (200,306] 1 200 1
913 3 306 2 74 1 1 90 100 1175 NA (200,306] 1 200 1
2 3 200 2 68 1 0 90 90 1225 15 ( 0,200+] 0 0 2
686 3 200 2 68 1 0 90 90 1225 15 ( 0,200+] 0 0 2
230 3 400 2 68 1 0 90 90 1225 15 (200,400+] 0 200 2
914 3 400 2 68 1 0 90 90 1225 15 (200,400+] 0 200 2
458 3 455 2 68 1 0 90 90 1225 15 (400,455] 1 400 2
1142 3 455 2 68 1 0 90 90 1225 15 (400,455] 1 400 2
## Time-varying effect of baseline variable by including interaction with interval
res.cox1.strata <- coxph(SurvObj ~ age + sex + ph.karno + ph.karno:factor(start) + wt.loss + cluster(id),
data = lung.split)
coxph(formula = SurvObj ~ age + sex + ph.karno + ph.karno:factor(start) +
wt.loss + cluster(id), data = lung.split)
n= 822, number of events= 304
(36 observations deleted due to missingness)
coef exp(coef) se(coef) robust se z Pr(>|z|)
age 0.01582 1.01595 0.00700 0.00994 1.59 0.11137
sex -0.53285 0.58693 0.12325 0.16664 -3.20 0.00139 **
ph.karno -0.03335 0.96720 0.00688 0.01003 -3.32 0.00089 ***
wt.loss -0.00239 0.99761 0.00451 0.00670 -0.36 0.72163
ph.karno:factor(start)200 0.02226 1.02251 0.01008 0.01203 1.85 0.06412 .
ph.karno:factor(start)400 0.04180 1.04268 0.01032 0.01317 3.17 0.00150 **
Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
exp(coef) exp(-coef) lower .95 upper .95
age 1.016 0.984 0.996 1.036
sex 0.587 1.704 0.423 0.814
ph.karno 0.967 1.034 0.948 0.986
wt.loss 0.998 1.002 0.985 1.011
ph.karno:factor(start)200 1.023 0.978 0.999 1.047
ph.karno:factor(start)400 1.043 0.959 1.016 1.070
Concordance= 0.645 (se = 0.019 )
Rsquare= 0.065 (max possible= 0.978 )
Likelihood ratio test= 54.8 on 6 df, p=5.07e-10
Wald test = 26.6 on 6 df, p=0.000176
Score (logrank) test = 56.5 on 6 df, p=2.33e-10, Robust = 22.9 p=0.000827
(Note: the likelihood ratio and score tests assume independence of
observations within a cluster, the Wald and robust score tests do not).
rms::survplot() function
## Load rms package
## without specification
## Minimum decent
conf = "none")
## Full-fledged grammer
survplot(fit =,
conf = c("none","bands","bars")[1],
xlab = "", ylab = "Survival",
## xlim(0,100),
label.curves = TRUE, # label curves directly
## label.curves = list(keys = "lines"), # legend instead of direct label
levels.only = FALSE, # show only levels, no label
abbrev.label = FALSE, # if label used, abbreviate
## fun = function(x) {1 - x}, # Cumulative probability plot
loglog = FALSE, # log(-log Survival) plot
logt = FALSE, # log time = 100, # time increment
dots = TRUE, # dot grid
n.risk = TRUE, # show number at risk
## srt.n.risk = 0, sep.n.risk = 0.056, adj.n.risk = 1,
## y.n.risk = 0, cex.n.risk = 0.6
## Without dots
survplot(fit =,
conf = c("none","bands","bars")[1],
xlab = "", ylab = "Survival",
## xlim(0,100),
label.curves = TRUE, # label curves directly
## label.curves = list(keys = "lines"), # legend instead of direct label
levels.only = FALSE, # show only levels, no label
abbrev.label = FALSE, # if label used, abbreviate
## fun = function(x) {1 - x}, # Cumulative probability plot
loglog = FALSE, # log(-log Survival) plot
logt = FALSE, # log time = 100, # time increment
dots = FALSE, # dot grid
n.risk = TRUE, # show number at risk
## srt.n.risk = 0, sep.n.risk = 0.056, adj.n.risk = 1,
## y.n.risk = 0, cex.n.risk = 0.6
## Different time incremente
survplot(fit =,
conf = c("none","bands","bars")[1],
xlab = "", ylab = "Survival",
## xlim(0,100),
label.curves = TRUE, # label curves directly
## label.curves = list(keys = "lines"), # legend instead of direct label
levels.only = FALSE, # show only levels, no label
abbrev.label = FALSE, # if label used, abbreviate
## fun = function(x) {1 - x}, # Cumulative probability plot
loglog = FALSE, # log(-log Survival) plot
logt = FALSE, # log time = 300, # time increment
dots = FALSE, # dot grid
n.risk = TRUE, # show number at risk
## srt.n.risk = 0, sep.n.risk = 0.056, adj.n.risk = 1,
## y.n.risk = 0, cex.n.risk = 0.6
## Plot cumulative probability F(t) = 1 - S(t)
survplot(fit =,
conf = c("none","bands","bars")[1],
xlab = "", ylab = "Cumulative Incidence",
## xlim(0,100),
label.curves = TRUE, # label curves directly
## label.curves = list(keys = "lines"), # legend instead of direct label
levels.only = FALSE, # show only levels, no label
abbrev.label = FALSE, # if label used, abbreviate
fun = function(x) {1 - x}, # Cumulative probability plot
loglog = FALSE, # log(-log Survival) plot
logt = FALSE, # log time = 100, # time increment
dots = FALSE, # dot grid
n.risk = TRUE, # show number at risk
## srt.n.risk = 0, sep.n.risk = 0.056, adj.n.risk = 1,
## y.n.risk = 0, cex.n.risk = 0.6
## Change position of number at risk
survplot(fit =,
conf = c("none","bands","bars")[1],
xlab = "", ylab = "Survival",
## xlim(0,100),
label.curves = TRUE, # label curves directly
## label.curves = list(keys = "lines"), # legend instead of direct label
levels.only = FALSE, # show only levels, no label
abbrev.label = FALSE, # if label used, abbreviate
## fun = function(x) {1 - x}, # Cumulative probability plot
loglog = FALSE, # log(-log Survival) plot
logt = FALSE, # log time = 100, # time increment
dots = FALSE, # dot grid
n.risk = TRUE, # show number at risk
## srt.n.risk = 0, sep.n.risk = 0.056, adj.n.risk = 1,
y.n.risk = -0.2, cex.n.risk = 0.6
Posted by Chathurika Chandrapala
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